
This is a website, and you are here reading these words. So welcome former baby!
You might know me from such timeless classics as life, or maybe things, perhaps even stuff. Either way, thank you for visiting. Also, there isn't anything here that is all that interesting. Just a few links to different things that you may or may not care about. If you want to know more about me, just click here.

Where to find me

These are the places I haunt. Haunt? Yuck. I apologize, that was completely unprofessional. These are the social media platforms I occasionally – very occasionally – patronize (not the taunting, condescending way),

T-shirt designs

I like to design t-shirts. There, I said it. And you can buy the t-shirt designs that I've designed for t-shirts. I'm currently working on a way to have them all here to purchase, but that will take a little time, so instead you can go to Cotton Bureau and order them if you so choose. I'm not your dad.
Go To The SHOP!
Interested in seeing some of my other design work? Ok fine ... go here.

Who is this guy?

I don't like to go overboard on personal details, mostly because there are people out there who need to get their head right, but at the same time I don't want to hide.
I was born and raised in the Philadelphia "area" (Landenberg PA), moved to Kansas City (Overland Park KS) in 1985, in 1990 moved to Cincinnati for my senior year of high school, then while I was in college, moved back to Delaware. I got married to the most amazing human (for me) in 1995, and we moved to Colorado Springs for a few years, and then back to Cincinnati 1999, where we reside today. I have 3 kids, 4 dogs, and 3 cats.
My primary focus throughout the past 30 years has been on design, in every form one can imagine. I've worked in studios, agencies, and as a freelancer, I've been a cofounder in a startup as the Chief Creative Officer, worked for the largest startup in Ohio as the Director of User Experience, and did my time at Proctor and Gamble. But now I'm working with college roommate and best friend, working with businesses that want to do some good in the world (by investing our time, expertise, and sometimes capital into their success). That good enough?
Does that cover it? As with all people, there are endless stories to tell that make us human, make us understand and care for others beyond ourselves.